Motorola XOOM Getting Adobe Flash 10.2

Motorola XOOM will be getting an over-the-air upgrade tonight to add the pieces required for the Adobe Flash Player 10.2 and Adobe Flash, necessary to view Flash-powered websites and play Flash games.Adobe says, it will offer Flash Player 10.2 pre-installed on some tablets and as an OTA download on others within a few weeks of Android 3.0 Honeycomb devices becoming available and the first of which is expected to be the Motorola Xoom……

Motorola says there’s about to be some brand new firmware for the Xoom which will cross the Ts and dot the Is required to install the promised Adobe Flash Player 10.2. Getting Adobe Flash Player onto the Motorola XOOM has proven to be more difficult than simply installing it and running it like you would on a standard computer. Motorola has announced that they will be issuing a new firmware update that will prepare XOOM owners for the eventual Adobe Flash Player 10.2 that has been promised in the past.Motorola XOOM was announced at CES 2011 with Adobe Flash Player being one of the capabilities being promoted but just before the launch last month Motorola came forward in fineprint that Adobe Flash Player wasn’t available yet but ‘coming soon’, after that initial exposure it came out that Android 3.0 wasn’t working well with Flash but Adobe announced that Adobe Flash Player 10.2 would be coming soon or Android 3.0 tablets and other devices but no hard date has been set yet.The new firmware update will be sent to XOOM owners tablets this evening according to the official Motorola twitter account.


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