Within A Year, Male Birth Control Pill May Be Ready For Testing

For years, birth control modes and measures have been sought by the mankind. This is done so as to avoid giving birth to kids when the parents are not yet ready or without proper planning. Until now, the birth control methods were mostly available exclusively for women. But now, there may be an effective male birth control pill on its way.

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Court Declares Human Genes Patentable, Victory For Biotech Firms

For long, biotech firms have been trying to have human genes declared patentable. The reasons for such ambitions are obvious – these biotech firms spend millions of dollars to isolate genes and find cures to diseases. And although they earn many time more than the amount they spend, they want to lay their hands on even more. A new court ruling now seems to have sided with them.

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Robotics Enthusiast Creates Life-Size, Working WALL-E

Remember WALL-E? The brilliant, intelligent and emotional robot in the Pixar movie, who melt the hearts of many? The movie was too good to be real, showing a cute robot accomplishing a plethora of things and having human-like ‘feelings.’ Now, a robotic enthusiast has turned the fantasy into reality. He has made a life-size WALL-E after working on it for 2 years.

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FCC May Start Investigating Cellphone Radiation And Its Effects

Cellphone radiations and the its alleged effects have been cited numerous times by different people but so far, a sophisticated study and research into the authenticity of these claims hasn’t been made. Since the wireless devices are increasing by millions each month, it is now pertinent that so be done.

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Ultra Violet (UV) Photography Reveals Our Sun Damaged Body Skins

We all know that Ultra Violet (UV) ray that comes from the sun damages our skin slowly but surely. We are not safe in and under the sun light. There have been many experiments to protect the skin damages, but so far I know, no further experiments have been done till now about visualizing the measurement of damaged skins. This damaged skins can’t be seen to the naked eye. But recently, some researchers have successfully visualized the damaged skins using Ultra Violet (UV) photography. After seeing our sun-damaged body skins, researchers became astonished!

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Video Of Steve Jobs And Walter Isaacson Interview

CBS has posted the full 60 Minutes interview with Steve Jobs biographer Walter Isaacson, including a number of extras that weren’t included in the broadcast piece and the double-length interview promotes Jobs’ authorized biography and this biography already available on iBooks in some parts of the world. In the video clip, Isaacson also talks about Jobs agreeing to meet with Google’s Larry Page, even though Jobs believed Google’s Android ripped off Apple and the clip also gets into Jobs’ and Gates’ long and complicated relationship…………………

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