GPS Enabled App “OnTheBus” Helps Everybody Including Blind People To Catch A Bus

A research group at Spain’s Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona School of Engineering has created a GPS-based application called ‘OnTheBus’ for mobile devices equipped with Android operating system. It’s been specially made for visually or audibly impaired people. Using the app, like the rest of us, the blind people can find their way around the city.

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Mobile Lorm Glove : A Communication Device For Deaf & Blind People

Being blind limits ones vision but one can still communicate through sound. Being deaf limits ones hearing but one can rely on sign language and reading to interact with others. But being deaf and blind severely limits your communication options to just touch. Lots of people are out there who can’t hear and see. Their lives are really miserable. They can’t even enjoy life properly. The ‘Mobile Lorm Glove’ is specially made for them. Mobile Lorm Glove lets the deaf and blind communicate and connect with others using mobile technology.

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[Video] Google’s Self Driving Car : Anyone Including Blind People Can Drive It !

Google announced their self driving car project in 2010. Their vision was to make this car more enjoyable and more efficient along with safe driving. Though there’s a lot left to design and test the car, but they have already completed over 200,000 miles of computer led driving journey safely. Recently, Google employees choose Steve Mahan to join with them for a special drive on a carefully programmed route to have a technical experiment of the autonomous car. Steve Mahan is nearly blind and sat behind the driving wheel of the car.

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Floating Real 3D Phone, Especially Useful For Blind Users

Have you ever imagined a phone that would transform physically the way you’d want it to? Not just a holograph but an actual physical change in the design. This is what is behind the concept of a 3D floating phone. A number of designers contributed to this concept and shaped it up. These include Messizon Li, Yang Fan, Linghan Liu, Li Ke, Pengcheng An, Yunlong Zhu & Zhangxia Ruan. The phone uses both E-Ink and Screenfloat tech, two new technologies and can physically generate shapes on it’s surface.

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Software Review: WindowBlinds 7

Are you bored with the default look of windows. If you like to bring some excitement to your ancient XP desktop?  WindowBlinds is the leader in tweaking and Theming Windows.…

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