Researchers Developed A Smartglass That Helps Surgeons See Cancerous Cells
There are many ways to identify or see cancerous cells. But lately, some researchers have developed a smartglass that can help surgeons see cancerous cells easily.
There are many ways to identify or see cancerous cells. But lately, some researchers have developed a smartglass that can help surgeons see cancerous cells easily.
Cancer harms the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue. However, when Cancer occurs, the affected people go the hospital or doctor for further treatment. But lately, a study has revealed that human body just needs better instructions to kill cancer instead of going anywhere or to anybody for treatment.
Currently, a number of researchers are trying to explore the yet-unknown aspects of cancerous cells. A new study now reveals that the growth of cancerous cells significantly slows down in low gravity.
In a recent study about cancer, researchers were able to conclude that a poor night’s sleep affects our immune system. This, in turns, speeds up the growth of cancerous cells and worsens it.
Once upon a time cancer was a lethal disease. Thanks to science, for which it’s no more a lethal. But still there are some cancer like liver cancer which can be dangerous. However, lately, a group of researchers from the Michigan State University has found genetic defect to trigger liver cancer.
Filippo Bigarella, developer of popular jailbreak apps and tweaks like Springtomize, PasswordPilot Pro, CleverPin etc. has released a new jailbreak tweak called LivelyIcons. Bigarella says that he will be donating money to 2 different foundations who focus on pediatric cancer research.
In a paper published in the Journal of the American Dental Association it’s been mentioned by Dr. David Wong from UCLA’s School of Dentistry that, salivary diagnostics (also know as Salivaomics) could become a vital resource to detect various health problems like autoimmune diseases, diabetes and even cancer at an early stage. Check the details inside.
Have you ever imagined a biological lab in space (doesn’t matter big or or small) that will test cancer and other diseases? I’m sure, you haven’t. But now, it’s not time to imagine; rather it’s time believe. Civilian space agency NASA has decided to launch a mini lab at the International Space Station (ISS) which will diagnose medical conditions in space. This will be the world’s first “mini lab” in space.